Helpful Tips If Your Pet Goes Missing
At one time or another, the most dreaded thing happens. Our beloved pet goes missing. Skunks have no homing instinct, so speed is most important. The faster you start your search, the better the odds of getting your pet back home.
Pay attention to your pet's little quirks. You may need these little tips to help you in your search. When you take them outside, does he or she always walk to the left or to the right? Is there a favorite bush on the route? It's very important that the community knows that there is a PET skunk that is missing.
Things to do immediately
Post signs and posters with pictures if possible. Don't forget to put your phone number but don't put your address. Put instructions what to do if someone finds your pet.
Look under cars, in the bushes, look for holes that have been dug, etc.
Set out a carrier with a nice blankie and favorite toys inside.
Talk to your neighbors and especially talk to kids.
Check your neighbor's houses for open basement windows.
If anyone feeds animals outside, check those areas frequently in case your skunk is eating there too.
Ask your mailperson, paper delivery person, and anyone you see walking their dogs if they've seen your pet and tell them what to do if they find your little one.
If there is a school, church or community center nearby, ask that they display one of your posters on bulletin boards.
Advertise on Internet mailing lists and on lost animal sites.
Call vets and animal control.
Does your radio station do public announcements?
Call into your local police station.
If you think he or she might be around but you can't catch them, put out a "live trap".
Once you have your pet safely back home, keep a very close eye on them until you figure out how they got out. Fix the problem immediately!
Last updated: 08-11-2014