We offer free information for pet skunk owners and skunk veterinarians to help you give your pet skunk the best possible care.

If you or your skunk vet are interested in receiving any of the information we offer, fill out the corresponding form(s) on this page.  In some cases we also have documents that you can download and print.

If you know of a pet store or private skunk breeder that should receive our pet skunk baby care pamphlet to hand out to new skunk owners, provide us with the information and we will send it to them free of charge.  Click on the image below to download the pamphlet or fill out the information box below it to have a spiral bound hard copy mailed to you.

Baby Skunk Care Pamphlet

Baby Skunk Care Pamphlet

Most labs that run blood work do not have "skunk" in their machines.  This does not give your vet accurate information!  We have blood values from National Labs that does use "skunk" and therefore gives much more accurate information that is crucial to the health of your pet skunk.  Either click on the downloadable document below to print and save to your computer or fill out the information request below it to have it emailed to you or your skunk vet.

Request Skunk Safe Meds List and Blood Values

Please note if you request a phone call....I work full time and have a lot of skunks to care for.  You will be called as soon as possible, but it may be in the evening, after working hours.

In case of emergency, we will do our best to help in any way we can, but your veterinarian should always be your first call!

I prefer to speak to a person

Last updated: 08-11-2014